Point of view -City of Bones

City of Bones is written in 3rd person “less limited” point of view, it switches mostly between Clary and Jace. But sometimes we get a look inside Clary’s uncle Luke’s head (he isn’t really her uncle, he is just a close friend of her mother).

“At first Clary didn’t even register his words. She was too busy staring at him. Like many other children, she was facinated by the resemblance between siblings, and now, in the full light of day, she could see exactly how much Alec looked like his sister.”

“A sharp rattle of objects striking the floor made Clary look down: They were Dorothea’s bracelets, twisted and broken. Scattered among the jewels were what looked like small white stones. It took Clary a moment to realize that they were teeth.”

In Jace’s head, we get a taste of what kind of person he is, and we can notice the growing feelings he has for Clary.

“Jace was lying on his bed pretending to be asleep – for his own benefit, not anyone else’s – when the banging on the door finally got too much for him. He hauled himself off the bed, wincing. Much as he’d pretended to be fine up in the greenhouse, his whole body still ached from the beating it had taken last night.”

“Words were weapons, his father had taught him that, and he’d wanted to hurt Clary more than he’d ever wanted to hurt any girl.”

In Luke’s head we only get to hear his story about him and Clary’s mother. It’s quite a long story, but other than that the writer mostly stays in Clary’s head.

Sometimes it is confusing, and you wonder which one’s head you’re in. But that only last for about 2-3 seconds. Other then that the book is very well written.

6 thoughts on “Point of view -City of Bones

  1. Sounds like a good book and it looks like it’s well written too! How do you think the perspective affects the book? Do you think it could be written in first person instead? And how would it affect the experience of the book?

    • I think that if it was written in first person, the story would get a little one-sided. For exaple, if we were inside of Clary’s head when Luke told his story, we wouldn’t get such a feeling of the story (if you know whet I mean). When Luke is telling Clary about his past, we get access to his feeling and regrets about this past, and personally I think that’s a good thing.

  2. Interesting. I haven’t read anything that are written in this point of view before (through different heads). How do you think this point of view affects your book? Do you prefer this book written in another point of view? just curious 🙂

    • No, I actually like it when it’s written like this. That way we get different sides of the story, and I like that. I think the writer does that, so the readers won’t get confused. You know, so we know what Jace feels after he kisses Clary (oops, spoiler!) 😛

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